Call Center Trends


Software for Contact Centers

Open-Source vs. Licensed Software for Contact Centers

Modern contact centers must adopt better, advanced tools to satisfy customers’ communication demands in each campaign. To that end, they can choose to use either open-source or licensed software, so… what’s the difference between these two versions? Some years ago, call centers just needed an automatic dialer capable of making hundreds of calls concurrently. However, […]

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Ai in contact centers

AI: Its Role in Improving Contact Center Processes.

AI are techniques used to teach computers to learn, reason, perceive, inferred, communicate, and make decisions in a similar way than a human being does. This technology can help you recognize patterns and use that information to predict outcomes. Artificial intelligence in contact centers There are many ways in which AI can be used, and

AI: Its Role in Improving Contact Center Processes. Read More »


Best Practices for Call Center Scripts

Scripts are a set of guidelines for specific processes that are provided to representatives of departments like Customer Service, Tech Support, and Complaints/Suggestions so they handle every call appropriately. These guidelines must meet a series of formal requirements that ensure customers have a positive experience.  In Debt Collection and Sales areas, apart from such requirements,

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Call monitoring

Call Monitoring Still Works (Article + Infographic)

Contact centers are required to analyze results upon the end of phone customer interactions in a methodical, consistent manner. Developing reports and keeping close control of the operation in real-time come in handy for such purpose.  Real-time monitoring is one way of maintaining and guaranteeing call control and quality. Given that, it allows detecting an

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Voice Broadcasting for More Efficient Transfers

Transfers are a constant of contact centers’ day-to-day operation. In order for them to be expedited and better managed; it is necessary to map out a well-thought-out strategy and use appropriate tools.   Contact centers have taken advantage of technology by using it to streamline their external and internal processes. And consequently improve their service. Some

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Call Center

Call Center Services by the Hour

Call center services hired by the hour are a great opportunity that many businesses seize to satisfy all their communication needs. The way today’s customers communicate with companies has changed customer service dramatically. That’s why an increasingly large number of companies decide to outsource their operation to multichannel contact centers; in order to deliver an

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Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS System: Usage Examples for Your Company (Infographic)

Bulk SMS is a tool used by thousands of companies. To contact both customers and prospects on a direct and effective basis.    SMS messages are one of the main communication means in many industries. In debt collection, for instance, they are used as payment reminders or notifications. In advertising or marketing, they are used to

Bulk SMS System: Usage Examples for Your Company (Infographic) Read More »

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