IP Telephony: Unlocking the Potential in Call Centers


In the evolving landscape of call centers, the adoption of IP Telephony (VoIP) is reaching new heights. This groundbreaking technology is transforming how businesses communicate with their customers and manage their customer service operations. In this article, we will explore the growing trend of IP Telephony in call centers and its distinct advantages over traditional […]

Call Center vs. Contact Center, What’s the Difference?

Call Centers vs Contact Centers

What’s a Call Center? A call center is a centralized office that manages the inbound and outbound call traffic of a given business by means of a PBX phone system, a series of agents, an ACD application, and a predictive dialer. It is capable of handling a large volume of concurrent calls by queuing callers […]

Open-Source vs. Licensed Software for Contact Centers

Software for Contact Centers

Modern contact centers must adopt better, advanced tools to satisfy customers’ communication demands in each campaign. To that end, they can choose to use either open-source or licensed software, so… what’s the difference between these two versions? Some years ago, call centers just needed an automatic dialer capable of making hundreds of calls concurrently. However, […]

5 ways top Contact Centers deliver exceptional Customer Service

Customer Service Call Center

In 2019, researchers found that 78% of people felt they had enough information about a company to permanently cement their perception of that brand on one, single interaction with their contact center.  “Customer Experience is the new brand” –Steve Cannon, CEO of Mercedes Benz So, how can you make big improvements to your customers’ journey […]