How have 5G and mobile telephony evolved? 

In the 90s the use of mobile telephony began to become popular, and it is worth mentioning that at that time, its cost was high so very few people could use it; a fact that also turned it into an object of desire. And although this story with mobile telephony began many years before, its […]

PBX System, Why Is It Suitable for Contact/Call Centers?


What is a PBX System? PBX is an acronym that stands for Private Branch Exchange, which refers to a private telephone network typically used in businesses.  PBX phone systems have quickly evolved over the years, as shown in the following diagram: Large-scale PBX systems installed in big companies function as on-site hardware that manages call […]

Call Center: How to Start Up One and Not Die Trying

call center support

Starting a call center business is no easy task. It takes time, effort, and a well-thought-out strategy. However, it’s not impossible either. To set up a call center (in any industry), it’s necessary to understand the what and why of such endeavor.  What Are Call Centers? Call centers are businesses that specialize in making and […]

Discover How to Improve Work Motivation in Your Call Center

Women, Cheerful, Happiness.

Work motivation is a set of psychological forces that influence the behavior of employees.    These forces guide workgroups in the achievement of corporate goals. Human resources are the backbone of any company and any call center.  The importance of call center representatives lies in the fact that they’re responsible for obtaining positive results.  That’s why […]

Change Management in Call Centers, Do You Know What It Is?

Group of buisness people working on tablet

Change management is a collective term for all the steps taken in order to achieve a previously established goal. It includes methods that redirect or redefine the structure, processes, and culture of companies. In order for these methods to be effective, change must take place in the following order: Call centers experience changes on a […]

How to Prevent Employee Turnover


Employee turnover is a problem “recently” faced by companies and businesses. It stems from changes in work relationships caused by competition and globalization. As well as from employees’ aspiration to better job opportunities. All these factors result in a marked reduction in employee retention when compared with past reports. Years ago, most of the new […]

Voice Broadcasting for Improved Call Center Strategies


A large number of companies, and especially contact centers, use voice broadcasting as a debt collection tool or as a means to send reminders and follow-up instructions in customer service; however, this technology offers many more benefits in terms of business strategies.  Telephone messages are direct, effective contact means. They can be broadcast to thousands […]

Call Center vs. Contact Center, What’s the Difference?

Call Centers vs Contact Centers

What’s a Call Center? A call center is a centralized office that manages the inbound and outbound call traffic of a given business by means of a PBX phone system, a series of agents, an ACD application, and a predictive dialer. It is capable of handling a large volume of concurrent calls by queuing callers […]

Chat and Personalized Customer Service

Chat and personalized attention

Chat is a communication means that continues to enjoy popularity among companies because it allows contact to be immediate. When used properly, it helps to provide a close, personalized service, and consequently improve customer satisfaction.  It is important to provide valuable interactions in customer service. Service quality is considered good or bad due, in large […]

Contact Center Agents and Customer Experience

Call Center Agents

Contact center agents play a major role in multi-channel customer experiences. They’re in charge of delivering a positive experience across all touchpoints through more personal and immediate service.  Due to customers’ demand for prompt assistance and the new trends in customer support and service, it proves necessary for agents to broaden their scope and manage […]