How have 5G and mobile telephony evolved?
In the 90s the use of mobile telephony began to become popular, and it is worth mentioning that at that time, its cost was high so very few people could use it; a fact that also turned it into an object of desire. And although this story with mobile telephony began many years before, its […]
Telecommunications and the metaverse: what is the relationship between them?
The metaverse is getting closer every day to becoming a reality we can all access from the comfort of our mobile devices, computers, or video consoles. And for this to become the experience we have seen in countless movies, series, and stories, it takes much more than a good computer capable of processing all the […]
Call Center: How to Start Up One and Not Die Trying
Starting a call center business is no easy task. It takes time, effort, and a well-thought-out strategy. However, it’s not impossible either. To set up a call center (in any industry), it’s necessary to understand the what and why of such endeavor. What Are Call Centers? Call centers are businesses that specialize in making and […]
Uses of Instant Messaging Tools: Communicate with Your Customers.
Today, the most widely used instant messaging app in the world has over one billion active users per day, which can also be translated into interesting business opportunities for your company. Engaging with costumers through different communication channels visibly improves: User experience, Confidence, Appreciation, and loyalty towards your company. Here you have some advantages of […]
Change Management in Call Centers, Do You Know What It Is?
Change management is a collective term for all the steps taken in order to achieve a previously established goal. It includes methods that redirect or redefine the structure, processes, and culture of companies. In order for these methods to be effective, change must take place in the following order: Call centers experience changes on a […]
Outbound Calls: How To Increase Call Center Sales.
Are you trying to increase your phone sales, but you don’t really know where to start? Let’s begin by defining what outbound calls are and why are they crucial for your company. Outbound calls are generally classified as “cold calls”, as they are taken from potential customer databases to try to close a sale or […]
How to Prevent Employee Turnover
Employee turnover is a problem “recently” faced by companies and businesses. It stems from changes in work relationships caused by competition and globalization. As well as from employees’ aspiration to better job opportunities. All these factors result in a marked reduction in employee retention when compared with past reports. Years ago, most of the new […]
The Role of Contact Centers in the Healthcare Insurance Industry.
Since its emergence on the world markets, healthcare insurance has been one of the most competitive, dynamic, and active sectors. In the current context of health contingency, the demand for private medical care is being exacerbated, which has increased, at an unprecedented rate, the search for information on private medical services through various digital means. […]
Chat and Personalized Customer Service
Chat is a communication means that continues to enjoy popularity among companies because it allows contact to be immediate. When used properly, it helps to provide a close, personalized service, and consequently improve customer satisfaction. It is important to provide valuable interactions in customer service. Service quality is considered good or bad due, in large […]
Instant Messaging Services for Contact Centers.
Maintaining good communication with your clients is key to provide a quality service. Undoubtedly, the importance of having several communication channels and sufficient capacity to offer personalized attention to your consumers and/or interested parties have become a great differentiator. Companies nowadays lack the freedom to choose the channels they can offer their customers. Due to […]